

Today I wanted to discuss the connection between the tools of the trade and the increasing popularity of the ballpoint pen art.

One reason ballpoint pen art is so close to my heart is because it`s accessibility to everyone.  In order to create a wonderful piece of art, one doesn’t need a very extensive workshop or spend a lot of money on the art supplies. With a basic ballpoint pen and a sheet of paper you can create a masterpiece.

Many still don’t accept ballpoint pen art as a serious art direction, however they are overlooking one important fact, it`s becoming increasingly popular at the incredibly fast rate. New artists are discovered every single day and their fan base grows by the minute. A drawing with a ballpoint pen is close to everyone because everyone held a pen in their hands at some point - be it at school, at work or on the plane, everyone used a pen to draw something on the paper.

This art direction is not for the select few as everyone can be a viewer and everyone can try their hand at becoming an artist.

I, as a professional artist, try to reveal the possibilities of the ballpoint pen art. I see it as an independent direction and not just the drawing technique. 


-Andrey Poletaev